Are your widgets failing to open on Windows 10? Windows 10 has undergone significant UI modifications, making it one of the most user-friendly operating systems. Therefore, you may still experience specific problems, though they may not be related to the software. This article will assist you in identifying the causes of and solutions for the Widgets not opening in Windows 10 problem.

Why won’t Widgets open on Windows 10?

The potential causes of widgets not opening in Windows 10 include the following:

1. Your machine does not have Microsoft Edge WebView2.

2. You are not utilizing a Microsoft account but a local one.

3. Windows Explorer needs fixing.

4. There are some problems with the graphic drivers.

How to fix Widgets Not Opening in Windows 10

To resolve the problem of widgets not opening in Windows 10, carefully follow the options provided below:

Solution 1: Switch between graphic driver modes

Widgets not launching in Windows 10 could be due to transient problems in the graphic drivers. Take the following actions to fix it:

1. Click the Start Menu to access the Device Manager.

2. Double-click the Display adapters’ item in the list of hardware to enlarge it.

3. Your graphic card will now be visible; right-click it and choose Properties.

4. To disable the driver, click Disable Device from the driver’s tab in the Properties window.

5. To check if the problem has been fixed, click the widgets button after clicking the OK button to apply the modifications.

Solution 2: Restart Windows Explorer

The most frequent cause of widgets not opening in Windows 10 is a problem with the Windows File Explorer. You need to restart it to repair it, so do the following:

1. Press the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys on your keyboard to launch the Task Manager on Windows 10.

2. Right-click File Explorer in the Task Manager box and choose to restart or end the task.

Solution 3: Sign in to Microsoft Account

Widgets in Windows 10 will only open if you switch to a Microsoft account from a local one. To accomplish it, take the following actions:

1. Press the Windows + I keys to launch the Settings program.

2. Next, choose the Accounts tab from the left sidebar.

 3. Right-click Your Info. to continue.

4. If you see the option, choose Sign in using a Microsoft account instead. Following that, log in using your Microsoft account.

Frequently Asked Questions – Widgets Not Opening

Q1. How do I add temp on my taskbar?

Answer: These are the actions you need to take to add temperature to your taskbar:

1. Select News and Interests from the menu when right-clicking the taskbar.

2. Next, choose the Show icon and text from the more limited choice that appears.

3. Your taskbar’s weather widget will now be shown next to the clock and the notification area.

Q2. How can I make widgets available in Windows 10?

The widget icon, which resembles a rectangular box with a split-screen in white and blue in Windows 10, can be clicked on the taskbar or activated by pressing the Windows + W keys.

Q3. Can you install widgets on Windows 10’s desktop?

Windows 10 has a built-in Widgets panel that allows you to place widgets on the desktop. Currently available options for this app include time, date, photo, financial, and weather widgets. It may also be used to build a device that can be customized for an app shortcut.

Q4. How do I add widgets to my HP laptop?

Right-click on any space on the desktop and choose the widgets option from the drop-down menu to accomplish this. According to your needs, you can modify your widgets.

Q5: How can I add a weather widget to my Windows taskbar?

Answer: These are the actions you need to take to add temperature to your taskbar:

1. Select News and Interests from the menu when you right-click the taskbar.

2. Next, choose the Show icon and text from the more limited choice that appears.

3.Your taskbar’s weather widget will now be shown next to the clock and the notification area.

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